Thursday, April 8, 2010


I think we could all use it.
Not just some of the time, but prally most of the time.
Ok, Ok...I will speak for myself.
I could use it most of the time.
I really do feel that I am conscious most of my waking hours.
By conscious, I mean, doing things on purpose. Not on auto pilot. Remembering other people. Being aware at how my actions may effect others. What others may be working through right now.
Ya know...conscious.

Today I lost my perspective for a moment.

Today is my sweethearts birthday.
My husband Tyler.
He is 34.
We have been married for almost 12 years.
I choose him again and again everyday.

So, he went hunting today. He's gonna shoot us a turkey.
He had to stop by my work to get some stuff out of my car to complete his hunting expedition.
He came in, grabbed my keys and headed outside to my car.
I followed him.
Talked to his two buddies that were going with him.
Hugged him, kissed him and sent him on his way.

About two hours later he calls me...

Me: "Hey"
Tye: BIG SIGH...."hhhheeeeeeyyyyyy"
Me: "Uh Oh, that doesn't sound good...whats up?"
Tye: "no, it isn't good. We stopped in Gunnison to get some stuff and......"
Me: "What? And...WHAT?"
Tye: "I have your Jeep keys in my pocket...."
Me: "WHAT? SON OF A......"
Tye: "I know, I KNOW....I feel terrible. But we can figure this out. You can call the dealership. they can cut a new key from your VIN number....."
Me: SIGGGGHHHHHHHH "I'll call you back. I'm going to call them and see what they can do"
Oh yeah....Gunnison is easily 100 miles south of where I am.

End result of calling the dealership...
Yes, they can make me a new key from my VIN.
They have to have the vehicle in order to program the key TO the vehicle.
The dealership is literally .25 miles from my work (Where my jeep is)
So, It has to be towed to the dealership. But, the good news is that they DO in fact have a key that they can cut for me.
However, they close in an hour and half.

Call Tye.
Tell him the story and, oh yeah, get his Credit Card number. He's footin the bill for this.
Which, to his credit, he had already offered to and totally felt that it was reasonable.

So, call the towing company, give them the payment info.
**$50.00 to tow it .25 miles...**
Call the dealership, let them know that my Jeep is coming.
Ask sister in law and life saver, Sara .......
"Please take me to get my child and then to the dealership."
She's on it.
Then I grumble a little bit about Tye and his effup.
Then, realize that SL Trib and KSL both were going to run a follow up story about my sister and her husband Brian, who was tragically killed in June.
So, I find the story.

I read it.


Ya know, I remember every single day that Brian is gone.
I remember every single day, how tragically he was taken from us.
I remember every single day that Bella and Ava don't get to grow up with him.
I remember every single day that Bella never met him, while on this earth.
I remember every single day how it felt when my heart was breaking when I got the news that he was gone.
I remember every single day feeling the pain of this tremendous loss for my family and his, but mostly for my sister and my nieces.
And still...even though I remember these things every single day, on days like today, when it is brought back into the light and I read the story.......I still get the wind knocked out of me.

So as I am sitting at my desk, reading the story in the tribune about the legal battle that seems to have now begun, I cried.
And then I was nudged.
I can feel it through my body....
"Alisa, get some perspective. You know that Anna would want nothing more, than to know that her husband has her Jeep keys, in his Gunnison. But she doesn't get to have that. You do. Get some perspective. And KEEP it."

Speed dial Tye.
No answer, voicemail.
Tearfully I leave him a message that I am not mad. I am not even frustrated. Rather that I am SO grateful.
So grateful that HE has my keys in HIS pocket, as HE is in Gunnison.

Happy Birthday Sweet Husband of mine.
I couldn't love you more.
You are the perfect man for me.

And Brian, thanks for the perspective.



  1. tears.
    That is all.
    Thank you.

  2. what a great post! good for all of us to have some of that perspective and be so grateful for wonderful husbands!

  3. Alisa. Once again you have touched my heart with your writing and thoughts. I literally can't stop crying I hope you and Ty know how much you mean to Nick and I. We are so greatful to have you guys in our lives. Tell Ty happy birthday. Mel

  4. read this with tears streaming down my face.
    thank you for the perspective.

  5. It’s amazing that we as humans go day to day not really understanding what we REALLY have. We wake up and perform our day to day routine, rarely looking at the big picture. My best friends brother commited suicide in February and After talking to her countless times and sharing in the heart break, I vowed to myself that I would look every single person in the eye and learn from what they are saying. My life has been forever changed and I’m grateful. I am grateful today that I stumbled across your blog and read this, I am grateful for the tears that fell and the person you are. Thank You for sharing, Love your Heart. :)


Wait...what? Everyone doesn't bathe in unicorn tears?