Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tye + Grace = Smiles for me!!!

I am still figuring out this blogging stuff. And really, I don't create much time to figure it out. So, I am afraid that my version of blogging is going to be pretty generic. But I am sitting here looking at a painting that Tye (my husband) did. It is AMAZING!!! He came back last week from 2 weeks in Hawaii.....FOR WORK! Rough, I know. We picked him up early in the morning on Wednesday. We got home, and I still had to get ready for work and head back south (THAT is how early we picked him up)
Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyywwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy, he decided that he wanted to spend the day with Grace. She had no objections. Neither did I. I LOVE to watch them when they are together and interacting. It truly is a totally different relationship than Grace and I have, and I CHERISH their relationship. So, I left them to their day, but reminded Tye of the agreement Grace and I recently made. Grace gets to watch 1 hour of TV a day. That is it, no more. Now, to know what a stretch this is, you have to know Graces addiction to TV. Do I have any recovered heroin addicts that are following this blog???? How about recovering alcoholics???? (BTW...YAY If you are recovering!!) If you are not, then I don't know that you can quite understand the undertaking that this is. OR....maybe you can.....if you have kids that are addicted to TV. So....I let Tye know of the agreement, and Grace was on board and all about it. Now, here is the difference between trying to get a kid off TV, and someone else off of crack...... (Well, ok, it isn't the ONLY difference, hell, it isn't even a big one....ok...maybe a bad example) when your kid is addicted to TV...is is most likely because you are either addicted to it yourself, OR you are addicted to them being addicted. Do ya follow? Well, I am a mixture of both. We both are. So, this is detox for us as well. So, to follow with the rule, as best he can, Tye and Grace set out for a day free of TV. Lunch, Park, then what....? Hmmmm..... then Tye decides that he needs to paint something. Not just wants to paint, rather, NEEDS to paint. But, see, we don't have painting supplies. So, they head to Michael's to get what is needed. See, you prally think that what you need to paint is some thick paper, and some sort of paint. You do if you paint like I do. But not if you paint like Tye does. So, two hours, several canvases, multiple brushes, several acrylic tubs of paint and $300.00 later, the painting can begin.

They clear a place in the unfinished, cement part of the basement and get to work.
I am unaware of any of this until I get home from work that evening.
I pull up the driveway, get out of my car and as I get closer to the front door, the music that I was hearing is getting louder and louder. Yup, it is coming from my house.(As if we don't give our neighbors enough reasons to hate us....no church for us, having a hot tub, and friends that come over A LOT) I walk into Bob Marley blaring through the house (I am not complaining). I walk down stairs and see Grace and Tye set up at the painting table, both with their beanie's on their heads, bobbing them to the music. They are so into what they are doing, they have no clue that I am there. It was the best thing I have seen in a LONG time. I LOVED it!!

I have no idea how many couples do their relationships with their kids, and the dynamics that brings. But I have heard of and know of some that compete and compare the relationships they have with their children. I am sad for those people. I am not Tye. There is no way I can have the same relationship with Grace. He brings things out in her that I will never be able to. And it is because he is who he is and he brings his own special ingredients to the relationship. I am SO grateful for his relationship with her and how his influence on her is a huge part of who she is. Cuz, I love her. She is the best person I know. So basic math would tell one that I then LOVE him, and he is the best person I know as well..... Man, I am L-U-C-K-Y!!!

Soon, I will post about my amazing and epic trek I will be taking to Greece and Italy....49 days left.....


1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have the stregnth to get chloe and deegan waway from the evil TV lol But it sounds like she has a good time with her dad.


Wait...what? Everyone doesn't bathe in unicorn tears?