Friday, July 17, 2009

Confessions of the 3rd kind......


1- Last night I made Tilapia with broccoli, green beans and green onions. I made a great conscious effort in eating healthy. And, it was good! I LOVE TO EAT HEALTHY! So....what did I have for lunch?? Oy.....(bowing my head and shaking it in shame....I cant even look at you.) Del Taco. DEL TACO IS NASTY!! But I still had a fish taco, a hard taco and a soft taco. And now, it is in the bottom of my belly laughing and pointing at me calling me a looser and a sucker. I shake my fist at you nasty food!!

2- I was supposed to get us packed for Island Park last night. We are leaving today. Grace was going to help me and I was going to further teach her about responsibility and team work. The way it played out in my head was so great!! But, since these are confessions..... I know you smart little cookies can guess that did not happen.
Nope, it didn't. I folded one load of laundry, layed on the couch and watched "Hes just not that in to you". You would think that I would encourage my girl to go outside and ride her scooter or go see if her friends can play. But I didn't. She asked if she could watch Twilight in my answer....Yes. Rot your brain with the fantasy of a sexy vampire that puts all the human men to shame. Oh, your 7 year old brain..... Yeah, I am making my nomination for mother of the year award really easy....

3-As I was watching "He's Just Not That In To You", a lllliiiiiiiitttttllllllleeee bit of drool escaped from the corner of my mouth any time Ben Affleck came onto the screen. And I even shushed my husband when it shows Ben washing the dishes. I really wish I was lying.

4- I cant air this is too embarrassing.

5-My girls room is a complete disaster.

6-I have no desire to change that in the near future.

7-I am the one that drank all of the Orange Fanta that was in the fridge. Its gone, so move on already!!

8-I wish I was more like Emily.

9-I am as straight as a fence post, but Brandi Carlile is HOT!

10-It will be a while before I do "That" again. (No, you aren't supposed to know what I am talking about)

On a more tender note.

I came across an article about this company. Check out the website. Some people think it is morbid. But as you read the thoughts of the photographers and the parents, it is so touching.


Have a fabulous weekend!


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Wait...what? Everyone doesn't bathe in unicorn tears?