Monday, January 18, 2010


I love music.
What would we do with out it?
What if you NEVER got to have a song stuck in your head?
Hey, I will take The Wiggles or Dora in my head any day over nothing at all.
Sometimes, I wake up with a song that is my head, and no lie, my day will parallel that song.
Sometimes it is good thing.....other times not

I know I have posted my "Favorites....for right now" here before.
I have had them on a play list too.
I will get that back up.

This is a list of songs that I listen to everyday.
Some, for the last week.
Some for longer.

Engineers- (I effed up, so these first three songs are not on the playlist you can listen to, but I will fix it)
*Come In Out of the Rain
*Waved On

***I don't think I will EVER EVER EVER EVER get sick of this song. EVER!

Passion Pit-
*Moths Wings

Pink Floyd-
*Coming Back To Life
*Learning to Fly
*The Turning Away
***Ok, does it get any better than Pink Floyd? Ok, I get it. There are two types of Pink Floyd. There is the Syd Barrett Pink Floyd and the David Gilmour Pink Floyd. If you are a fan of Pink Floyd, you may prefer one over the I do. My preference? Well, clearly, based of the 3 songs above, I am a David Gilmour fan.
But even with the paranoid and angry Syd Barrett, really.....You cant get better than Pink Floyd.
K. I am off my PF soap box.

*Life Is Better (Featuring Norah Jones)

****K, here is the explanation. I get're prally thinking...."Um Alisa, you know that you are a white, fat, uncool mom.....right?" Yes, I am aware of all of those things. However, it will change. Well, all of it but the White part.
I have a friend that introduced me to this song. I liked it. I like most anything with a good beat. Norah adds to it. I have listened to alot of other Q-Tip songs, but none that I have wanted to commit to. So, as I was saying. My friend introduced me to this song last year. Its on my gym play list. Sometimes I like to know the words to the songs I like, and other times, I don't like to bother. This one I started getting down with out really realizing it. It wasn't an conscious effort I was putting forth.
One say I asked said friend "Do you know the lyrics to Life Is Better?"
His response- "I wish"
End result:
I am going to "out Q-Tip" said friend.
I knew that I wasn't going to see him for at least a couple of weeks, if not more.
And by the time I saw him again, I would have it all down.
So, that is why I have been listening to it everyday. And because I like it.
I am about 65% with the lyrics.
They aren't easy.
Look them up and give it a listen.

*High and Dry
*House of Cards
*No More Surprises

-Ryan Adams

***Ok, before I get a scolding from my from Nicky....I love Ryan Adams. And I listen to him ALL the time. However, this is the one that I listen to daily.

Check 'em out.

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Wait...what? Everyone doesn't bathe in unicorn tears?